Rincon Power 900V 350A Contactor Coil 9-36V
Rincon Power REC35B1JX 900V 350A Contactor Coil 9-36V
The Rincon Power contactor REC35B1JX is rated for 900V and 350A continuous. This contactor could be used in many different applications. We use this in our electric vehicle conversions. Additionally, this contactor is bi-directional. Some of its other features are it is hermetically sealed with gas, CE certified and meets RoHS 2001/65/EU. The contactor coil voltage is 9-36V. The max inrush current is 3.8A and to keep the contactor closed is 0.13A @ 12V. We also sell the 32-95V coil voltage version.
Rincon Power REC35B1JX 900V 350A Contactor Coil 9-36V
The Rincon Power contactor REC35B1JX is rated for 900V and 350A continuous. This contactor could be used in many different applications. We use this in our electric vehicle conversions. Additionally, this contactor is bi-directional. Some of its other features are it is hermetically sealed with gas, CE certified and meets RoHS 2001/65/EU. The contactor coil voltage is 9-36V. The max inrush current is 3.8A and to keep the contactor closed is 0.13A @ 12V. We also sell the 32-95V coil voltage version.
We ship to the United States and Canada. Worldwide shipping and hazardous materials such as lithium batteries may require a separate estimate.
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