Location: Oceanside, California, United States


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The EV Controls T2C allows control of Tesla drive units for EV-conversions. This kit includes a full plug and play wiring harness that will work for most applications. All wires are fully labeled for simple installation.

  • $3,699.00

Compatible with the following powertrain configurations:

- All Model S and X large rear drive units.

- Does not require disassembly of the drive unit or removal of inverter logic board.

- The T2C will re-flash the inverter firmware if required (one drive unit per unit purchased).

- Retains protection strategies against overheating and other damaging conditions, excellent reliability.

- Dash app runs on iPad and connects to T2C over bluetooth, no wiring required between the controller and iPad.

- Capable of O.T.A. (over the air) firmware updates when new features are added.

- Proven to outperform other options in terms of drivability, reliability, performance and efficiency. Nothing runs a Tesla drive unit better than the OE Tesla software and hardware. This is based on real world testing by many customers who have tried them all.

Lead time: 30 Days

    • SKU
  • Manufacturer
    Revolt Systems
  • New/Used
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